Let's start of with my job.
I've been working for the last three months. The company is a prestigious one, it's a good place to begin with. The pay is good, the work is okay okay only, but overall I think it's good. I was supposed to be in one section, but my senior manager wants me to join another section. Initially I thougth, oh no.. Because the first section would probably be a better one, as it actually has more techincal works. The section that I got into, its more on maintenance services. So I guess one can understand my initial grumble. However, as time goes by, I came to realise that the initial section that I was supposed to get into but didn't, how should I put this, I guess I have the better manager now. And I'm really glad about it. =)
Next, I would talk about the nature of my job. I've blogged about this before, about where I was supposed to go to work, and that's offshore. Of course we don't send people out there blindly, we have to get all the weather forecast to prepare all the people we send out there. And when I went out there, the weather forecast was not good. When I went out there, huricanes were just passing by Vietnam, and of course, Vietnam share the same sea as us, the South China Sea. So it does affect the sea conditions of where I was. However, despite all the warnings I received, besides minor minor rain, nothing big happened when I was offshore, the big barge was hardly moving! It's really a blessings. I mean, maybe many people wouldn't know, but conditions out there when it rains it not nice. Imagine wave of 3 metres high coming towards you. That's almost triple your height! One third the height of the 2004 tsunami! Not nice okay... But thank God that there was no such thing for all days I was offshore. A real blessing indeed.
And then, came Dance, My Love. I'm not dancer, I actually prefer to stay off stage. And despite the lack of practice I had, because I had to go offshore, Pastor Kevin still trusted me to pick up this role and trusted me to do it well. Plus, according to Careen, Pastor actually look heavily upon this role. He emphsize a lot about it and he sees it as a very important role. Of course it didn't help my shyness on stage man. However Pastor believed I could do it. That meant a lot to me. And this was the best part, lil did I know what to expect last. I thought the worst was over after all four performances, I didn't had to go on stage in fear that I might forget my lines, and I definitely didn't have to go on stage to do that silly lil fumble dance or whatever it is called. But, the worst was the last. Pastor was giving credits to the leading casts. I was not on stage. In fact, I was hiding behind David the drummer. Suddenly, Pastor asked for the female lead cast's dad. Then, he asked for the female lead cast's bf. And that was me. Basically Pastor announced to the whole church that I was her bf, and well, the rest was history (something got to do with the role of a pastor, those who were there, would understand). Wahh.. I tell you, not fun man.. haha but I see it as a blessing as well. Why? Because before this, many know that Careen has a bf, but probably don't know how he looks. But now the whole church knows how the bf looks like! So now no one can disturb her...Wahahahah (evil laugh) =P Yea, it's a great blessing to know that Pastor ackowledges our relationship. =D
But what really amazes me is that today I attended CG, and Vincent was talking about Jabez. About how we should have spiritual hunger. But the thing is, it was not about spiritual hunger that touched me. It was a small point that Vincent touched. Which was about what type of people God usually uses. Probably many people would know by now, that God does not use people who are really wise, people who are of wealthy nature, or people who are from noble. The people God usually uses are what we would call now as 'losers'. Okay, I know it sounds crude, but in a way, it is true. God used David, an adulterer. God used Moses, a murderer. God used Jabez, a man who was named after the word 'pain'. And God used Peter and John, mere fishermen. So I was thinking about it when suddenly God spoke to me, and made me realized that I was once used too! And that was during Dance, My Love.
God chose us to serve. She as a lead, and me picking up a role that is important in the production. I mean, Careen and I are not the best people on earth. We are not excactly great people. We have a lot of our own problems, with our own sins and all. However, God still chose us! What was mentioned in the bible, it is happening in our daily lifes. We just need to realise it. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not a great person. But yet, I was still chosen to serve. And it is indeed an honor. During this production, many lifes were saved. And I was chosen to serve, to be a part in it. It is truly an honor and I really give thanks to God for allowing me to serve. What more else, to serve in something I probably am worst in - to serve on stage. God truly is beyond our comprehension.
I'm trule amazed.
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